Monday, October 19, 2009

A song i've been playing way too often lately....

Off of Kid Cudi's new album, I've been playing this track a lot lately, if you can't tell from my charts haha. When his hit "Day N' Nite" came out i really liked the track. Then it got played way too much on the radio and I convinced myself I hated Kid Cudi. That was a mistake. He may not be a raw rapper, but he's a dope musician. This track is more depressed than I like, but dope nonetheless.

Kid Cudi - Soundtrack 2 My Life .mp3


  1. eh, I'm not feeling this one. Some interesting lyrics but the umpa lumpa bass line and the random synth whistles just grate me the wrong way.

  2. Lyrically he's one of the only people worth listening to on the radio.
